There are no direct operations set on the Portal page that allow a user to import the exported User Entities JSON file to Custom Entities. But, we can achieve it by writing a Cloud Code script (setting to S2S callable for calling from custom server). Here is the code script that will do this trick for you.
var response = {};
var createdTypes = 0;
var createdEntities = 0;
var profileId = bridge.getProfileId();
var email = bridge.getEmail();
bridge.logInfo("running from ConvertUserEntitiesToCustomEntities script profileid: ", profileId);
var session = bridge.getSessionForProfile(profileId);
bridge.logInfo("running from ConvertUserEntitiesToCustomEntities script session: ", session);
//use pagination to determin if need to get next page
var maxperpage = 100;
var pageNumber = 1;
var context = {
"pagination": {
"rowsPerPage": maxperpage,
"pageNumber": pageNumber
"searchCriteria": {
"sortCriteria": {
"createdAt": 1,
"updatedAt": -1
var entityProxy = bridge.getEntityServiceProxy(session);
var firstPageResult = entityProxy.getPage(context);
if (firstPageResult.status == 200) {
var count =;
response.count = count;
var customEntityProxy = bridge.getCustomEntityServiceProxy();
var items =;
//get exist custome entitties types
var collectionsResult = customEntityProxy.sysListCollections();
//create an array to hold current types/collections names (type name is unique required in custom entities)
var arrTypes = [];
var existCustomEntityTypes;
if (collectionsResult.status == 200) {
existCustomEntityTypes =;
for (var x in existCustomEntityTypes){
//add collections name to this array
} else{
response.getCustomEntityTypesErro = "error call sysListCollections";
bridge.logInfo("collection arrTypes before : ", arrTypes);
response.existedCustomTypes = arrTypes;
//modify the option if want to change to global
var collectionOptsJson = {
"isOwned": true,
"migrate": false,
"identifier": email
for (var i in items) {
var entityType = items[i].entityType;
response.entityType = entityType;
bridge.logInfo("check entity type : ", entityType);
//check custom entities' types (arrTypes) whether contain this type, create one if not
response.checkTypeIncludes = arrTypes.includes(entityType);
if (!arrTypes.includes(entityType)){
var createCollectionResult = customEntityProxy.sysCreateCollection(entityType, collectionOptsJson);
if (createCollectionResult.status == 200) {
//add to the type check array
createdTypes ++;
response.createCollectionError = "sysCreateCollection call errors from first page, check entityType you injected";
//after create collection type, we can create custom entity
var dataJson = items[i].data;
var acl = items[i].acl;
var timeToLive = null;
var ownerId = profileId;
var customEntityProxy = bridge.getCustomEntityServiceProxy();
var createEntityResult = customEntityProxy.sysCreateEntity(entityType, dataJson, acl, timeToLive, ownerId);
if (createEntityResult.status == 200) {
bridge.logInfo("first page totally created "+ i +" custom entity(ies) with type : ", entityType);
createdEntities ++;
bridge.logInfo("collection arrTypes after firstpage looped throuhg and created custom entities: ", arrTypes);
//if return items count great than maxperpage will get into belows for loop to call next page, untill scan all
var remainder = 0;
var numberpage = 0;
remainder = count % maxperpage;
numberpage = (count-remainder)/maxperpage;
response.remainder = remainder;
response.numberpage = numberpage;
bridge.logInfo("remainder: ", remainder);
bridge.logInfo("numberpage: ", numberpage);
for (var n = 0; n < numberpage; n++ ){
pageNumber ++;
context.pagination.pageNumber = pageNumber;
response.nextpageContext = context;
bridge.logInfo("numberpage: ", numberpage);
var nextPageResult = entityProxy.getPage(context);
if (nextPageResult.status == 200) {
var nextItems =;
for (var y in nextItems) {
var entityType = nextItems[y].entityType;
//check custom entities' types (arrTypes) whether contain this type, create one if not
if (!arrTypes.includes(entityType)){
var createCollectionResult = customEntityProxy.sysCreateCollection(entityType, collectionOptsJson);
if (createCollectionResult.status == 200) {
//add to the type check array
createdTypes ++;
response.createCollectionError = "sysCreateCollection call errors from next page, check entityType you injected";
//after create collection type, we can create custom entity
var dataJson = nextItems[y].data;
var acl = nextItems[y].acl;
var createEntityResult = customEntityProxy.sysCreateEntity(entityType, dataJson, acl, timeToLive, ownerId);
if (createEntityResult.status == 200) {
bridge.logInfo("page ("+ pageNumber + ") totally created "+ y +" custom entity(ies) with type : ", entityType);
createdEntities ++;
response.getNextPageResultError = "get next page entities error";
response.createdTypes = "totally created custom entity types : "+createdTypes;
response.createdEntities = "totally created custom entities: "+createdEntities;
Note: to convert all users' User Entities to Custom Entities accordingly, go ahead to call RunBatchUserScript() from S2S Explore.