Need to temporarily disable the connection to iOS users while a critical bug is fixed? Need to ensure everyone updates to the newest major 3.0 patch to prevent older versions from corrupting current data?
Then this page is for you. You choose which platforms your app supports and which versions of your app from these settings. Click the platform row to edit the settings accordingly.
Example of an app possible platform settings
Configuring your app platforms
To control which platform can make API calls against your app, simply check each supported platform.
When forcing a minimum version for your app, click the [Edit] button for a supported platform and enter the Minimum Version and the Application Upgrade Data.
Now, whenever one of your customers makes a call brainCloud from your app, they will be safely blocked and your app will handle the updating.
Note that depending on your app, you may never need to continuously force users to update. If you do not need to do so, you will not be using the minimum version feature. If making a multiplayer game, you will most likely need to use this feature at some point.
Code below
You are now blocking certain customers from using your app based on their platform. You need to handle informing them to update to the latest version.
The response from the server from an invalid platform would look like so:
"status_message": "Processing exception (message): App version 1.5.0 for appId 12328 is obsolete.",
"reason_code": 40322,
"upgradeAppId": "Your version of MyApp is out of date. Please update the app from the Apple Store to try out the new features!",
"status": 400
Here is an example of parsing that JSON after an authentication.
_bc.AuthenticateUniversal(username, password, forceCreate, OnSuccess_Authenticate,
(status, code, error, cbObject) => {
if (code == ReasonCodes.GAME_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED) {
Dictionary<string,object> jsonError = (Dictionary<string,object>) JsonFx.Json.JsonReader.Deserialize(error);
string status_message = jsonError["status_message"].ToString();
string upgradeAppId = jsonError["upgradeAppId"].ToString();
//TODO: Handle informing the user that they need to upgrade their app.
//Such as via a popup, or automatically handling the new version download.
You will need to handle this error case in the way your app requires.