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How to retrieve all the user-owned custom entities
How to retrieve all the user-owned custom entities

saving user-owned custom entities to a global property

Jason Liang avatar
Written by Jason Liang
Updated over a week ago

For the case you want to save user-owned custom entities, you can follow the steps below to achieve it.

  • Go to Design | Custom Config | Global Properties page of brainCloud portal, add a new property. We will use this property to store data of user-owned custom entities.

  • Create a cloud code script that retrieves current user-owned custom entities and append the data to the global property we created.

"use strict";

function main() {

var response = {};

bridge.logDebugJson("Script inputs", data);

var propname = "backupCustomEntities";
var prop = bridge.getGlobalProperty(propname);

var propJson = JSON.parse(prop);

var aEntitiesWithTypes = [];

//need put the data retreive time to out put
var timeProxy = bridge.getTimeServiceProxy();
var timeResult = timeProxy.readServerTime();

if (timeResult.status == 200) {
var retrivedTimeMilli =;
//convert to date in UTC
var retrivedTime = new Date(retrivedTimeMilli);
// var retrivedTime =;

var profileId = bridge.getProfileId();

//use pagination to determin if need to get next page
var maxperpage = 100;
var pageNumber = 1;

var customEntityProxy = bridge.getCustomEntityServiceProxy();

var collectionResult = customEntityProxy.sysListCollections();
if (collectionResult.status == 200) {>{
bridge.logInfo("item", Object.keys(item)[0]);

var entityType = Object.keys(item)[0];
var aEntities = [];
var context = {
"pagination": {
"rowsPerPage": maxperpage,
"pageNumber": pageNumber
"searchCriteria": {},
"sortCriteria": {
"createdAt": 1

bridge.logInfo("item.collectionOptions.isOwned", item[entityType].collectionOptions.isOwned);

// filter the types which only isOwned as true
if (item[entityType].collectionOptions.isOwned){
var customEntityProxy = bridge.getCustomEntityServiceProxy();

var firstPageResult = customEntityProxy.getEntityPage(entityType, context);
var count =;

// response.count = count;

if (entity.ownerId == profileId) aEntities.push(entity);

//if return items count great than maxperpage will get into belows for loop to call next page, untill scan all
var remainder = 0;
var numberpage = 0;
remainder = count % maxperpage;
numberpage = (count-remainder)/maxperpage;

for (var n = 0; n < numberpage; n++ ){

pageNumber ++;

context.pagination.pageNumber = pageNumber;

var nextPageResult = customEntityProxy.getEntityPage(entityType, context);
if (nextPageResult.status == 200) {>{
if (entity.ownerId == profileId) aEntities.push(entity);

if(aEntities.length > 0){
var objEntitiesWithType = {};

objEntitiesWithType[entityType+" count"] = count;

objEntitiesWithType[entityType] = aEntities;


// aEntitiesWithTypes.push({[entityType]: aEntities});

bridge.logInfoJson("aEntitiesWithTypes", {"aEntitiesWithTypes":aEntitiesWithTypes});

var objProfile = {};

objProfile[profileId] = aEntitiesWithTypes;

var objretrivedTime = {};

objretrivedTime[retrivedTime + profileId] = objProfile;



response.propJson = propJson;

var globalAppProxy = bridge.getGlobalAppServiceProxy();

globalAppProxy.sysUpdatePropertyJson(propname, propJson);

return response;


  • Browse to S2S Explorer and call RunBatchUserScript() method, put the script name to script name field, leave other fields blank as below. (Note: if you have not set any servers yet, you need to create one from My Servers Setting page)

  • The above operation will loop through all the users in your app and append user-owned custom entities to this global property, then you can easily copy down and back up the data to any place you want.

"purpose": "backup users custom entities",
"Wed Jan 20 2021 04:44:52 GMT-0000 (UTC)bb8895c6-87a6-44b9-9cb7-ffc5ccb0b7c9": {
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"version": 1,
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"teamName": "Super Stars",
"jerseyNum": 44
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"version": 1,
"acl": {
"other": 1
"ownerId": "23505cd6-b07c-4304-bb07-87e882b6a525",
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"teamName": "Super Stars",
"jerseyNum": 44
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"Wed Jan 20 2021 04:44:52 GMT-0000 (UTC)35620730-e2f0-468f-bc1d-700942de0b87": {
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