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General questions
General questions

General questions about brainCloud and how it works

A way to prevent certain API calls from S2S
Facebook Privacy Assessment
brainCloud outgoing ip addresses
Saving users' backup data to custom entities
brainCloud product logo
How to set up your app as maintenance mode
How to migrate an app across brainCloud instances
How to run Room Servers from brainCloud
How Does Quick Authenticate work?
Where to Check Billing Account Invoices?
How to Pause a Development Plus App?
Default Maximum Number of Records Returned for A Paged Items Read
Using $regex and $in operators in brainCloud APIs request with examples
How to specify range rank in tournament reward?
How to keep a user session alive when player app is inactive?
What causes the lobby DISBANDED callback with the message "Satisfying launch conditions took too long"?
How to attach a profile image to a user
About the heartbeat
How to change the email address associated with a user account
Persistent game -- MMO on brainCloud
The strategy of using cloud script for a bulk of API calls
Increasing Tournament engagement with Divisions and/or Tiers
How can I give a player currency from the brainCloud Portal?
What are the size limits on user entities?
Store Integration – Facebook
Push Notification Setup – iOS
Email Integration – SendGrid
Using brainCloud with Unity
What is brainCloud?
Is brainCloud really just for games? Is it really for apps?
What platforms does brainCloud support?
Does brainCloud support feature X?
Is brainCloud GDPR compliant?
How do I manage updates to live brainCloud apps?
Using cloud code type declaration files in your local VSCode
Requirements for the Steam Overlay in development mode
Restrict anonymous login to create new accounts