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Using a post-hooked cloud script to override product purchase rewards
Using a post-hooked cloud script to override product purchase rewards

product, verifyPurchase, PurchaseRewardHook

Jason Liang avatar
Written by Jason Liang
Updated over a week ago

In the case that you want to double the rewards of a promotional item, instead of offering the same items for less $, you may want to use PurchaseRewardHook feature to override the configured reward amounts for product purchases.

The following example will show you the steps to complete this process.

  • First, create a hook script as below. it's well-described as the in-line comments. It is going to override the rewards for a purchase given promotion status.

    "use strict";
    function main() {
    var response = {};
    // The goal of this routine is to adjust the purchase rewards if a promotion
    // is in progress - according to the custom JSON in the promotion record.
    // First check to see if promotions are active
    if ( data.promotions.length > 0 ) {
    // Then check to see if this item will actually be purchased...
    // (Not much point in doing the calculations othersiwe)
    if ( data.alreadyPurchased === false ) {
    // Okay - lets see what item is being purchased
    var itemId = data.itemId;
    var newRewardData = {};
    var newPromotionId = data.promotionId; // no idea, may change this based on promotionalOverridesApplied below?
    var currentPromotionPriority = -1;
    // Iterate through the promotions to see if there is one with replacement currency values
    // Note that we've included a "priority" field in the customJson portion of the promotion,
    // so that this script can tell which priority rewards to apply (in cases where multiple promotions are active)
    var promotionalOverridesApplied = false;
    for (var i = 0; i < data.promotions.length; i++ ) {
    // We don't need to apply the pricing changes - brainCloud will have already done that.
    // We just focus on the custom rewards and custom JSON
    // First check to see if it's higher priority than the current promotion (if any)
    if ( data.promotions[i].customJson.priority > currentPromotionPriority ) {
    // Now see if there is actually an item that matches in the promotion
    if (data.promotions[i].customJson.itemIds.hasOwnProperty(itemId) === true ) {
    // Booya - let's grab the updated currency and customJson values
    currentPromotionPriority = data.promotions[i].customJson.priority;
    newRewardData.currency = data.promotions[i].customJson.itemIds[itemId].currency;
    newRewardData.extra = data.promotions[i].customJson.itemIds[itemId].extra;
    //newPromotionId = -1; // ONLY IF want data.promotionId removed from transaction
    promotionalOverridesApplied = true;
    newPromotionId = data.promotions[i].promotionId;
    if ( promotionalOverridesApplied === true ) {
    response.rewards = newRewardData;
    response.promotionId = newPromotionId;
    return response;
    } else {
    return null;
    } else {
    return null;
    } else {
    return null;
  • Then, create a promotion for your app from the portal promotions section. Make sure to set the custom JSON fields accordingly to the script above.

    Note: replace the rewards rule as you need.

    "priority": 100,
    "itemIds": {
    "barBundle1Imp": {
    "currency": {
    "bars": 12
    "extra": {
    "specialItemReward": "bonusItemA"
    "gemcollection": {
    "currency": {
    "gems": 7
    "extra": {
    "specialItemReward": "bonusItemA"

  • After then, go to Design | Cloud Code | API Hooks page, click Create, hook the script you just created as post-hook to PurchaseRewardHook operation as below:

  • Done!


  • You can verify the rewards changes by calling GetEligiblePromotions() or RefreshPromotions() from API Explorer for a user who is eligible for the promotion you set. (Note that the rewards for bars is overridden from original 10 to 12, and the gems is changed from 5 to 7)

    The original rewards for bars:

    The original rewards for gems:

    After the above script is hooked

  • Once the purchase is finished, you can also verify the rewards from the Transactions page as well by viewing the Rewards Data of that transaction entry.

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