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Does brainCloud support feature X?

An exhaustive list of brainCloud API features

Paul Winterhalder avatar
Written by Paul Winterhalder
Updated over a week ago

brainCloud's feature set is enormous - and keeps growing! Here is a list of key features, current as of Release 5.3.


  • App Analytics

    • App Context Banner - with DAU, MAU & Daily + Monthly Revenue

    • App Dashboard

    • Core Analytics (with 7-day view)

    • Product Analytics - with item purchases by promotion

    • Global Transactions - with purchases by App Store

  • User Analytics

    • User Context Banner - with revenue and segments

    • Purchases view

    • Virtual Currency activity chart

  • Integrations

    • Server-side integration with 3rd party analytics packages (like MixPanel) via our DataStream -> Segment integration


  • Login

  • Set Password via Email

  • Forgot Password

  • Handoff (pass login from app-to-app)

  • Minimum password standards

  • Multiple identities

  • Merge accounts

  • Peer accounts

  • Shared accounts

  • Account Migration support

Authentication types

  • Anonymous

  • E-mail (with validation)

  • External (custom third-party directories)

  • Facebook (including Facebook Limited Login)

  • GameCenter

  • Google

  • Nintendo Switch

  • OpenID/Okta (via External Auth)

  • PlayStation Network (PS4 & PS5)

  • Set-top Code

  • Universal (userid + password)

Blockchain Integration

  • Blockchain integration support

  • Blockchains supported:

    • Ultra

    • EOS (initial implementation)

    • more frameworks to come!

  • Integrates with User Inventory service - trade items on the Blockchain!


  • Real-time delivery of chat messages

  • Global, group and, dynamic chat channels

  • Rolling chat history

  • Developer-defined chat payload

  • Profanity filtering of chat messages

Cloud Code 

  • Javascript-based

  • Versioned

  • Schedulable

  • Security permissions

  • API Hooks

  • Access to external web services

  • Session cached objects

  • Organize scripts in folders

  • Batch scripts

  • Multi-window Script Editor

Cloud Data

  • Concurrency-safe statistics API

  • Complex entity support (JSON-based)

  • Global, user and, group entities

  • ACL permissions

  • Time-to-live support

  • Shared data API

  • Random entity selection

  • Import / Export (JSON format)

  • Deployment Migration Support (for Global Reference entities)

Custom Entities

  • More flexible and powerful than global entities

  • Custom Indexes + Sharding

  • Owned or un-owned Entities

  • Get random entities

  • Deployment Migration Support

  • Scalable to millions of entities

  • Portal-based Editors

DataStream Architecture

  • Channel-based integration architecture

  • Segment integration

  • Kafka Integration


  • Simple text templates

  • Rich templates

  • Transactional

  • Substitution

  • Integration with Sendgrid

  • Support for attachments

  • Send API


  • User to user

  • System to user

  • Developer defined

  • Real-time (via RTT)

Export Data

  • Export user data to CSV or JSON format

  • Export global and custom entities to JSON format


  • Global files

  • User files

  • Group Files (beta)

  • CDN caching

  • File uploads

  • Update/versioning support (to minimize downloads)


  • Player XP and XP Levels

  • Achievements

  • Milestones & Quests

  • Rewards system

Global Properties

  • Key + value pairs to control app settings

  • Portal-based editor

  • Category support

Groups (Clans)

  • Multiple group types

  • Member roles and ACL

  • Group data 

  • Open vs. closed

  • Invites

  • Auto-join

  • Send notifications

  • Get Random

  • Group chat (via Chat API)


  • Relay Servers

  • Room Servers

  • Multi-region

  • Docker containers

  • Also supports Amazon GameLift-based servers...

In-app Purchases

  • Product definitions

  • Multiple product categories

  • Pricing management

  • Receipt validation

  • Integrations with Amazon, Apple AppStore, Facebook, Google Play, Steam, Windows Store


  • Amazon GameLift

  • Apple

  • Facebook

  • Google

  • Nintendo

  • Oculus

  • Playstation Network 

  • Segment

  • Sendgrid

  • Steam

  • WebHooks

  • WebPurify

  • Windows


  • Global Leaderboards

  • Social Leaderboards

  • Group Leaderboards

  • Voting leaderboards

  • Arcade-style leaderboards

  • Paged Access

  • Relative Position

  • Sorting rules - max, min, aggregate, and last value

  • Dynamic creation (player & group leaderboards)

  • Versioned

  • Retrieve multiple (for social maps)

  • Pacers

  • View/Edit Entries

  • Management API

Lobbies (online)

  • Define multiple lobby types

  • Min + max users

  • Support for user and room configuration

  • Exchange events with lobby members

  • Ready-up support

  • Launch Room Server when ready

  • Automatically select best region

  • Join in progress


  • App-level logs - errors, warnings, info, debug & unreadable requests

  • User-level logs - request + response

  • Server logs - request + response

  • Team-level - audit logging

Matchmaking (offline)

  • Skill rating range match

  • Custom filter support

Matchmaking (online)

  • Geo-filters to match closest server region

  • Escalating skill rating match

  • Custom filter support

  • Integrates with Lobbies and Room Servers


  • Direct messaging between users

  • System messages

  • Rolling message store

  • Inbox and Sent items

  • Read flag

  • Real-time delivery (via RTT)


  • Async offline multiplayer

  • Async online multiplayer (via RTT)

  • One-way multiplayer

  • Playback Streams (for One-way multiplayer)

  • Real-time multiplayer compatibility - Photon, Unity, Steam, etc.

  • Custom Room Server support

  • Relay Server support

Peer Services

  • 3rd party-developed (Sponsored) Integrations

  • Shared Private Services


  • Simple (online/offline) presence

  • Rich (activity) presence

  • Real-time activity updates

  • Appear offline

Profanity Filter

  • Profanity filter sub-system

  • Support for filtering user names

  • Chat service integration

  • WebPurify Integration


  • Sale pricing

  • Replace Products

  • Scheduled

  • Automated (by Segment)

  • Max Purchases

  • Max Retriggers

Push Notifications

  • Programmatic

  • Templates

  • Send to Segment

  • Send to Group

  • High Priority Push (Google)

  • Support for iOS, Android (Google’s FCM V1 API), and Facebook

Redemption Codes

  • Personal redemption codes

  • Shared redemption codes

  • Redemption code inventory

  • Redemption management

  • Redemption code generation

  • Support for asynchronous redemption

Relay Servers (hosted)

  • Built-in Relay Servers

  • Relay Service Protocol

  • Tuneable

  • Multi-region

Room Servers (hosted)

  • Custom Docker containers

  • Instance management

  • Tuneable

  • Multi-region

  • RoomServer DevTool allows running RoomServer on local workstation for easy debugging!

Scheduled Jobs

  • Scheduled Cloud Code

  • Support for customizable cloud code timeouts

Script Editor

  • Multi-paned Script Editor

  • Intellisense

  • Dark-mode Support


  • Automatically group users by criteria

  • Criteria includes timezone, account creation date, amount spent, etc.


  • Facebook integration

  • Steam Integration

  • Playstation Network Integration

  • Friends

  • Gifts

  • Challenges

Server-to-Server API

  • Call Cloud Code from 3rd party server

  • Secure secret

  • IP address validation

  • Session-based and session-less protocols 

Timed Status Effects

  • Effect that can be applied to a user for a specified amount of time

  • Use for gameplay (i.e. invulnerable for 2 hours) or account (i.e. banned for 2 weeks) purposes

  • Integrates with User Inventory system


  • Automated Global Tournaments Support

  • Free or Paid

  • Flexible Prize Rules

  • Recurring Tournament Cycles - daily, weekly, monthly, etc.

  • On Demand Tournaments - adhoc periods

  • Tournament Phases

  • Notifications

  • Auto Join and Auto Claim

  • Portal Support

  • Divisions


  • Free online training series - brainCloud Bootcamp

  • Complete courses for Unity & Unreal.

  • Godot coming soon!

Usage Metrics

  • API usage reporting

  • API error statistics

  • App Profile

  • Script Usage


  • Page through users

  • Bulk apply script to users (via Script Service)

  • Auto-delete Dormant Users

  • Archive Users

User Inventory

  • Central Item Catalog

  • Catalog Editor

  • Categories and tags for organization

  • Item Pricing (in multiple virtual currencies)

  • Item Publish States - draft, published, retired and revoked

  • Stackable items

  • User Inventory Management

  • Item "use" management

  • Activate-able status effects

  • Cool-down and recovery times

  • Deployment Integration

  • Trade items on the blockchain!

Virtual Currencies

  • Multiple virtual currencies

  • Award from milestones and achievements

  • Shared (parent) currencies


  • Call Cloud Code from WebHooks

  • Secure secret

  • IP address validation

If you have more detailed questions about any of these features, feel free to hit us up via the chat widget in the bottom-right corner of the screen. Cheers!

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